Release Day FLASH BANG By Meghan March

Flash Bang Release Day

Release Day Event

Flash Bang Final Cover

Book Title: Flash Bang
Author: Meghan March
Genre: Erotica
Release Date: June 30, 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


Rowan Callahan is a career-climbing slut. At least according to the vicious—and false—rumor that is destroying her professional life. But a little thing like her career as an attorney ceases to matter when a plane crashes in downtown Chicago and the entire city goes dark. Her unconventional upbringing makes her suspect the worst: she’s just witnessed the kick-off to the apocalypse. Armed with a backpack of supplies, she leaves Chicago, intent on resetting her skewed priorities and seeking shelter at the family farm with her father and sister. She’s injured and running for her life when she stumbles directly in the crosshairs of two men who just might be her salvation . . . and her greatest temptation.

Graham Buchanan and Zachariah Sawyer are best friends and brothers-in-arms who have been indulging in ménages since before their Force Recon team served in Iraq and Afghanistan. They’ve hung up their uniforms to build a new life for themselves and their team at Castle Creek Whitetail Ranch—a rustic deer hunting preserve that covertly doubles as a doomsday prepper’s paradise. They thought they were prepared for anything until Rowan comes crashing into their lives. Graham and Zach are convinced she’s the one woman who can handle them both, but she has no intention of deviating from her carefully laid plans for longer than it takes her to recover from her injuries. So they propose a deal: they’ll provide her an armed escort home, and in exchange, she’s theirs until they part ways.

It was the perfect plan; except once they’ve had her, they can’t let her go . . .

Meet the Author


Meghan March is a Michigan native who has spent a good portion of her life buried in a book. Case in point: she read the entire romance section of her small town public library by age fourteen. Even after growing up (sort of) and getting a law degree, she never lost her passion for a great story, twisty plot, epic romance, and amazing characters. When she’s not writing, she’s probably reading, target shooting, drooling over fast cars, playing with her crazy mutts, or hanging with her very own sexy man.Muscular  Guy


Chapter 1


A plane fell from the sky.

It was quite possibly the only interruption that could have dragged Rowan out of the epic pity party she was throwing herself. It was the kind of pity party one threw when a carefully planned life and decades of hard work were demolished by a complete and utter shit storm. And not demolition by a run-of-the-mill shit storm. A shit mudslide, followed by a category five shit hurricane. Rowan doubted anything other than the plane, the fifty-story building it toppled and the hundreds of lives that had been violently and tragically cut short could have pushed the thoughts of the lying asshole and blackballing bitch who owned his sad sack from her mind.

Rowan had to swallow back the bile that rose when what she’d just seen started to sink in. The loss of life … What the hell just happened?

The symphony of honking horns that filled the Chicago streets died abruptly, right in time with the falling plane. For a single moment, the lunchtime crowds on North Wacker Drive completely stilled.

A beat of silence.

Then chaos erupted.

“We’re under attack!” a woman screamed. She was only three feet away from Ro, and her screech nearly ruptured an eardrum. Terrorists. Okay. That makes sense. Doesn’t it?

“Run!” a large man in a suit shouted as flames burst from the collapsing building.

Traffic stood still. The familiar sound of idling engines and car radios was eerily absent. Rowan’s gaze darted around frantically. The traffic lights and DO NOT WALK signs were dark. There were no fire truck sirens screaming toward the building that was quickly becoming a fully involved inferno. No ambulances were rushing to the scene to try to save potential survivors.

A greasy feeling of panic pooled in Ro’s stomach. Loud popping noises punctured through the sounds of chaos as the glass globes of the nearby light poles shattered before bursting into flames.

Without taking her eyes from the disaster playing out before her, Ro rooted around in her bag for her cell phone. Her panic spiked when she pressed the button and swiped her finger across the darkened screen. Nothing. It had been nearly fully charged when she’d unplugged it from the charger on her desk only twenty minutes ago. Ro’s continued furious pressing of buttons did nothing to bring it to life.

Her brain snapped into focus. No way. It’s not possible.

A firefighter crashed into her bistro table as he ran toward the burning building. Her uncapped bottle of iced tea toppled, spilling onto her lap. The splash of cold liquid freed Rowan from her temporary paralysis, just as three other firefighters ran past. Thank God help is on the way. In that moment, she made her decision. She reached down to yank off her pumps, swapped them for the ballet flats in her bag, and started to run.

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Fate Bt Nikki Sex


BLURB: How far would you go to get something you really wanted?

Emily Malone has had a crush on her brother’s best friend, Paul, all her life.

Unfortunately, he just sees her as his friend’s little sister.

Desperate and infatuated, Emily resorts to lies and deception.

She only needs one night with Paul, to finally get over this obsessive crush.

But Fate has other ideas. . .

Alysha’s Thoughts: How far would you go to get something you really wanted?

Emily Malone has had a crush on her brother’s best friend, Paul, all her life.

Unfortunately, he just sees her as his friend’s little sister.

Desperate and infatuated, Emily resorts to lies and deception.

She only needs one night with Paul, to finally get over this obsessive crush.

But Fate has other ideas. . .


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I write sexy contemporary romance with a bit of kink.


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Collision By Kate L Mary

Title: Collision
Author: Kate L. Mary
Genre: New Adult Romantic Mystery
Publication Date: May 2, 2014

When eighteen-year-old Kara Jones gets into a car accident on the way home from college, she’s left with more than a few bruised ribs, a busted cell phone, and a totaled car. After a slip-up at the hospital, she’s shaken to discover that her family isn’t all it seems. And now her mother’s strange behavior and willingness to do anything to protect her secrets—including pulling Kara out of school—have Kara floundering in the dark.

Enter Derek Miller, a former classmate who’s dealing with family issues of his own. His nerdy charm is too much for Kara to resist, and she’s even more amazed when he agrees to help her dig into her mother’s past. Together they investigate her mother’s old friends and boyfriends, hoping to discover who Kara really is. Instead, they find disturbing connections to the dark history of Kent State University, and an ever expanding maze of mystery surrounding Kara’s birth.

As Kara and Derek chase secrets, she realizes he’s the only person she can trust. But as they get closer to the truth, the disturbing answers reveal a web of evil far darker and further reaching then they’d imagined, leaving Kara to wish she’d never asked the questions in the first place, and to wonder if some secrets are better left untold…

Alysha’s Toughts: Kate L. Mary’s Collision is an intense mystery about a girl who finds out her dad is not her real dad. When Kara was in a horrible accident on her way home from college her whole world changed. While in the hospital the nurse let it slip she may have been adopted. Kara and her dad, Greg had been lied to for the past eighteen years from her mom. Greg took off to deal with everything on his own, while Kara was forced to be with her mom since she was healing, no car, and no phone. After fighting with her mom about the truth of her real father Kara left and ended up in a bar in town. Derek was the last person Kara expected to help her through this difficult time. He remembered Kara from high school and always had a crush on her. Kara felt like everything was going to be okay when she looked into Derek’s eyes. Kara and Derek started getting close very fast, they both were going through a hard time and really helped each other through. Kara decided to try to find out who her biological father is since her mom refused to tell her the truth. Derek was there for Kara every step of the way, and Kara realized she loved this amazing man. He helped her when she found out that the man who gave her life and supported her when the hard truth hit her in the face. Being faced with all these lies and emotions Kara decided the only thing she could do to help herself was to find out about her father and see why her mom had fallen for him. What made him the monster he turned out to be, and to find out before it was too late to do so. Only will she get the answers she’s looking for or worse.



Kate L. Mary is a stay-at-home mother of four and an Air Force wife. She spent most of her life in a small town just north of Dayton, Ohio where she and her husband met at the age of twelve. Since their marriage in 2002, they have lived in Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and California.

Kate’s love of books and writing has helped her survive countless husbandless nights. She enjoys any post-apocalyptic story – especially if zombies are involved – as long as there is a romantic twist to give the story hope. Kate prefers nerdy, non-traditional heroes who can make you laugh to hunky pieces of man-meat, and her love of wine and chocolate is legendary among her friends and family. She currently resides in Oklahoma with her husband and children.

1. I’ve been married for 12 years.

2. I met my husband in my church youth group when we were 12 years old, but we didn’t start dating until nine years later.

3. I’m a stay-at-home mom of four kids, two boys and two girls.

4. My boys are Carter and Chase, and the names were inspired by doctors from television shows we liked at the time. Carter from ER and Chase from House. Girls are Christa and Corinne, and those names came from people we knew.

5. I can probably quote most episodes of Friends by heart, and my husband and I are a lot like Chandler and Monica. I’m an obsessive-compulsive neat freak, and he can never be serious. Plus, we were friends for years before we started dating.

6. My husband is a C-17 pilot in the Air Force.

7. Since we’ve been married, we’ve lived in 6 states (Ohio, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, California and Oklahoma) and moved 7 times.

8. My all-time favorite move is Aliens. I love it so much that sometimes I just put it on for background noise when I write.

9. I love The Walking Dead. LOVE IT. I even have some of the graphic novels and a few Daryl Dixon shirts. When it’s on things get serious in my house. We are not allowed to talk during the show and I do not answer texts, emails or calls.

10. I’m a huge nerd and I love that about myself.

11. When I was in high school I read classic novels almost exclusively. Jane Austen’s books are some of my favorites, but I also love Gone with the Wind.

12. I set my stories in cities I’ve actually lived in or visited, and love having my characters visit real places. Collision is set in the Dayton, Ohio area, where I grew up, and my characters go to a pizza place that is a popular Dayton chain. (And the pizza is amazing.)

13. I’m a wino. Okay, not really a wino, but I love red wine.

14. And chocolate…

15. And coffee.

16. I think every book should have a little bit of romance in it, but I have a hard time reading a romance novel. I always want more plot than that, and I’m particularly into dystopian or post-apocalyptic stories.

17. My favorite city is Charleston, SC. We were stationed there for almost four years and I had the best friends imaginable.

18. I wrote a zombie series with an awesome female main character that will be available from Etopia Press this year!

19. I have a huge girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence. I’m pretty sure I’d leave my husband for her if she asked…

20. My husband is my best friend and I have more fun with him than I’ve ever had with another person.



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Release Day: Insomnia by Bethany Bazile

Insomnia Release Day

Release Day Event


Book Title: Insomnia
Author: Bethany Bazile
Genre: Erotic Romance (Novella)
Release Date: June 28, 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


I was arrogant, pushy, controlling, and I was fine with that. What I couldn’t control were my dreams. Memories haunted me there.

Even after over a decade, I found I couldn’t outrun them. Returning to the place they lived only seemed to trigger a landslide. I couldn’t focus, couldn’t sleep. Some people drank a warm cup of milk, cuddled up with a book, or threw back a couple shots.


I fucked my way to sleep.

Every single night, I lost myself in pussy. For a long time, it was the only way I knew to get to sleep. But it was getting less and less effective. I slept shorter periods of time before the dreams started.
There was only one hope for my insomnia and she was sexy, intelligent, and unexpected. I wanted to exhaust myself in her sexy little body and let her soothe me to sleep.

The only problem… she was my therapist, and I’d have to break her code of conduct and totally corrupt her before I made her mine.

***Warning: This is an Erotic Serial and contains explicit sexual content and language.***

Meet the Author

Bethany Bazile reads, writes, and lives in the Northeast with her husband and two amazing kids. Her passion for writing was born from a love affair between books and music. She loves books that draw her in and won’t release her until she’s inhaled every word, panting with excitement. Then she realizes the sun came up, but the loss of sleep was so worth it. When she isn’t reading, she’s conjuring up steamy love scenes and hot romance stories to share with fellow romance lovers. She can’t function without her cup of coffee and operates on a vampire-like time-frame.


I shrugged, checked my watch, and ran my finger over the ring on my right hand. I watched her put the end of the pen in her mouth and it was all I could focus on. I became completely fucking captivated by the way she bit on it, the tip of her tongue swirling around the stick. Jesus… I shifted in my seat as my erection grew heavy—straining against my jeans.

I glanced down at my watch again as a way to stop imagining my cock taking the pen’s place in her mouth.

“Are you in a hurry, Mr. Pierce?” I looked up as she uncrossed then recrossed her legs, wiggling slightly in her seat. She had a sensual lure to her that cried out to me, and I’d grown tired of beating around the bush. I never had a problem expressing what I needed from a woman, and I wasn’t going to start now. I met her gaze directly, and she was too prideful to look away, but she wanted to.

“Xander.” I corrected her again.

“What?” She pretended not to have heard me, but she just wasn’t comfortable calling me by my name.

“If I have to tell you one more time to call me Xander, I will pin you to your desk and make you scream it until you get it right.”

She stared at me, mouth slightly agape and eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

“I think I was clear.”

She broke eye contact, dropped her notepad on the table in front of her, and rose. She was clearly trying to put some distance between us, but she’d inadvertently gone to stand right in front of the desk I’d referred to.

“Why are you here, Mr—Xander? What is it you really want?”

I smiled as she caught herself from calling me Mr. Pierce again. It was too impersonal, and she used the formality to keep up that cinderblock wall she’d built between us. I rose from the chair and walked over to her. She clutched the edge of the desk and tensed from my violation of her personal space. I leaned into her and she tilted back as far as possible.

“I want to sleep, Ms. Shaw, but if I can’t do that…” I trailed my lips across her jaw and took pleasure in the shiver that passed through her body. “I want to fuck.” I bit down on her earlobe. “You.”

She gasped. “That’s not something I can help you with.” But her tone—all trembling and throaty—told me she ached to offer me some relief.

“But you want to.” I licked the soft skin of her neck and felt her jaw muscles tighten as she gritted her teeth.

God, how wanted to break her, send her over the edge so she would release those soft moans and let out the claws I knew she hid. I slid my hand over the back of her thigh, slowly moving past the silky fabric of her stockings to the warm, soft skin above. I felt heat radiating from her pussy as I slid my finger higher. I buried my head in her neck and focused on burying my finger into her wet heat.

I moved my hand over the crotch of her panties, and she jerked as if I’d electrocuted her. Fuck… I’d felt the current too. I’ve never wanted to bury my cock in a woman as much as I did this one.

What the fuck is it about her?

I traced the edge of her panties, and just as I was about to get what I really wanted from Avery, she reached out and put her hand on my forearm.

“Xander, please…”

Now she calls me by my name.

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Recover Reveal: Facing Me By Cat Mason




BLURB: “Everyone has a story my pages are just a lot darker than most.”
Aiden Chesterfield needs control like he needs to breathe. It pushes back the dark past he tries to pretend doesn’t exist. Just as badly as he needs the structure that domination provides, he needs Camaron to be the one to submit to him. Though, when Aiden realizes how unworthy she feels of his love; he sends her away. Her insecurities anger him, but break him at the same time. Forcing him to come to the realization that her emotions are one thing he cannot control.
Camaron Allen left everything to start her life over in Vegas with hopes of finding family. After losing the man she loves because of her insecurities she’s determined to become stronger. When a phone call from her best friend has her taking on a new career, she is forced to face more than herself. Shaft is hitting the big time and everyone wants a piece of the rockers’ pie; and some are willing to do anything to get it. Will Cam and Aiden be able to move beyond their fears and face the possibility of a future, together? Or will they forever fight their demons alone?



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Author Bio: Cat MasonCat Mason is a thirty year old, married mother of three. When she isn’t writing; she is spending time with her kiddos or reading. She was born and raised outside of St. Louis, Missouri, just over the

Cat Mason is a thirty year old, married mother of three. When she isn’t writing; she is spending time with her kiddos or reading. She was born and raised outside of St. Louis, Missouri, just over the Mississippi River in Granite City, Illinois. Cat writes romance of all kinds with twists of humor.


Sneak Peek THE STAGE BY Shelby Rebecca

The Stage Sneak Peek
Sneak Peek


Book Title:The Stage
Author:Shelby Rebecca
Genre: New Adult Rock Star Romance
Release Date:July 2, 2014
Hosted by:Book Enthusiast Promotions


Mia the saint.

Kolton the sinner.

Kolton Royce is a tatted, bad boy rock star at the top of his game.

Mia Phoenix is an overly responsible nineteen-year-old striving for stardom since losing her parents in a house fire.

When Mia ends up on Kolton’s team for the debut of the new nationwide singing competition, The Stage, she’s not sure if it’s her or her voice that he’s hellbent to control.

After he takes special interest in her welfare, they’ve been warned, any contact between them outside of filming is strictly forbidden.

He has other ideas.

She’s a phoenix rising from the ashes, the only one who understands the pain that lies beneath the persona. Though he’s not sure if he’s too bad for her, he can’t stay away.

All sinners have a past. All saints have a future. But, does being born in fire make the fissures weak in all the wrong places, or stronger than they’ve ever known?


The Stage is written for an adult audience 18+. This excerpt contains adult language. Copyright, Shelby Rebecca, 2014. All rights reserved.

In this excerpt of THE STAGE, Kolton Royce has made his team on the nationwide singing competition, The Stage, wait all day and into the evening to film a group scene together. Mia Phoenix has just found out that Kolton has hired a nanny to take care of her little nine-year-old sister, Riley (who she’s raising alone after the house fire that took the lives of both parents) so she can still compete on the show. After filming the scene, he offers to take her to the hotel where she’s been staying while they’ve been filming. He picks up her sleeping sister and gets in the back of his car. This is what happens next.

Chapter Four

Call me Kole

“Something funny, Mia?” he asks, his face half shadowed as the car begins to move us forward.

“Riley hates boys,” I say. “She’d be so pissed if she knew she was all nestled up to you like that.”

“Well, it can be our secret,” he says, and a chill runs up my spine. I want out of this car, now.

“Are we going to the hotel?” I ask to appease the odd feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“We need to talk about that,” he says. His chin sticks out and he rubs the stubble on his cheek.

“What are you doing?” I feel brave all of the sudden, but my voice gives away how aware I am of my own lack of control over this situation.

“I want you to call me Kole.” His voice is deep. He sounds troubled. Nothing like the entertainer I’m used to watching on TV.

“Why do you want me to call you Kole?” Adrenaline. Heart pounding. Take a breath.

“Say it again,” he says, shutting his eyes. His voice sounds carnal and filled with need. It scares me.

“I’m not going to call you that. I just need you to take us to our hotel?” I need his help, but I can tell he’s not being honest with me.

“Mia,” he says. And oh, the way my name comes out of his mouth. “I saw you the other day outside the studio, then your voice up there. You’ve really stood out to me, overall. I want to, no—I need to help you.”

“Kolton, I—”

“I’ve read your file,” he says, interrupting me. “I’ve watched the media footage about your parents and the fire,” I have to cover my mouth with my hand.

“I don’t—”

“We have a lot in common.” His voice sounds like tears when they’re stuck in the throat. “I feel very protective of you,” he admits, and clears his throat.

My hands are shaking. Is he crazy or something? Like one of those celebrities who owns a puma and wants only red M&Ms in his dressing room? Plus, we’ve been driving for too long. Where is he taking us?

“Are we on the freeway?” I ask. It’s hard to see out of these black windows. They’re eerily dark like shadows and secrets. I feel agitated—my eyes too wide to blink.

“Yes,” he says, his eyebrows furrowed.

“Why?” I ask, noting the slight tremors of my hands.

“I’d rather just show you.”

“Listen, just because I’m on your team doesn’t mean—,” I start.

“It’s all or nothing for me,” he interrupts. He’s rubbing his thumb into the palm of his hand and talking to the shadow window.

“You’re really controlling.”

“Don’t say that,” he scolds, as his jaw tenses up.

“Like that’s going to help,” I say.


“Snapping at me.” I fold my arms and lean back into the seat.

“I don’t want you to be afraid of me. When I want something, I get it. Does that make sense?”

“And what you want is?”

“Hmm,” he says, contemplating. “To help you, to help take care of your sister so you have limited distractions, and you can go all the way to the finals. For now, that’s what I want.”

“I’m not a groupie who’s willing to be abducted and taken wherever you want me to go.” But then again, I guess he did exactly that. Anger boils up in me like boiling water.

He ignores me. We stare at opposing black windows, sitting in silence. Only the hum of the tires on asphalt and the in and out of Riley’s slumber-breaths between us.

I’m too agitated to ask him where we’re going. If he refused to tell me again, I’m going to go off. We take a slight right, getting off the freeway and head down a road lined with high-rise buildings. The car stops and I can’t control the tremors in my hands as I wait for him to say something. Explain himself.

“Kolton? Where are we?” I ask, my voice higher than I’d meant it to be. We’re parked in front of a brick high-rise with two huge ferns outside the front entrance.

“The Wilshire Thayer,” he says. “I didn’t have a chance to talk to you. It was a split-second decision.” He pinches between his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. “I’ve moved you to the penthouse here. It’s an exclusive building. The security is tighter than the hotel. I feel better about you staying here while I’m gone.”

“What? I—you—I’m? You moved our stuff out of the hotel?”

“Not personally, no.”

“Is this something you’ve done for your whole team? Like, we’re all staying here?”

“No, Mia, they’re not,” he says, as he leans slightly forward, his green eyes are being highlighted by the street light. They look predatory and possessive. “I only want what’s best for you.” I’m shaking my head no. I put my hand out to ward off any more talking from him. This is not fucking okay.

“Just take us back to the hotel,” I demand.

“No. That’s not going to be possible.” He leans back into the partial shadows.

“This is why you were late today?” I ask, feeling honored, but smothered all in the same moment.

“Partly, yes,” he admits, looking straight through me again. My whole body shudders. I do not want to be under anyone’s control. “Let’s get her inside,” he says, as he taps the window. The door is opened from the outside, and he motions for me to get out first.

“We need to talk about this!”

“Not now, Mia,” he admonishes me like a child. “I’ve had a very long day—and nothing you say is going to change anything at this point. Let’s go inside and discuss it.”

I stomp out of the car and then he comes out, holding Riley, and walks past the front desk. The doorman nods to him, and we are ushered into one of the elevators. His driver is with us, and I notice a gun strapped under his arm. He must also be his bodyguard. I feel dizzy, nauseated. I put my hand over my stomach to ease the rumbling, boiling rage.

The older man has inserted a key into the elevator control. I’m assuming it’s because he’s taking us to a floor that’s off limits to the rest of the building.

There’s twelve floors and then a “P”. Penthouse, I guess. What! There’s thirteen floors? What’s up with me and the number thirteen these days?

I look at Riley. She’s so tired. She’s not moved a muscle. She’s even snoring a little.

“You don’t live here, do you?” I ask, hearing the shaking in my own voice.

“Some of the time, yes.” I’m pursing my lips together and biting the inside of the bottom one. “I also have a house in the hills.” My fingers have unknowingly chipped off almost all of my dark nail polish.

“Does it have a fire escape?” I ask. If we’re going to the top floor, that really worries me.

“It has the best built-in alarm, and that includes fire. It’s completely up to code. I had the sprinklers installed myself before I moved in. And yes, there’s a fire escape—just installed,” he says. “It reaches down to the floor below you.” He looks like he’s in pain as he says it, like it makes him sad that I asked.

“Since I have no way to leave tonight, we’ll stay the night. But we’re going back to the hotel tomorrow.” I’m mad at him. Furious. Someone had to go through our belongings to pack them up. And shouldn’t he have asked me first?

He doesn’t answer me. “I’m not some slutty girl who sleeps her way up the ladder,” I say, defensively. To that, he laughs a little.

“No, I didn’t think you did.”


Meet the Author

Shelby grew up between two mountains and a lake in Wasilla, Alaska. She used to run around in the tall grass, catch frogs, rescue dragonflies, ride horses, and ice-skate during recess. She still likes adventures and has even gone skydiving. Today she lives in Northern California with her husband, John, and their daughter, Elise, their two dogs, and a fish named Jade.

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Desire By Missy Johnson RELEASE DAY!!!



by Missy Johnson
Publication Date: June 27, 2014
Genres: Contemporary, Romance

Blitz: Desire by Missy Johnson

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Synopsis: I’m a sex worker.

A prostitute. A whore.

Whatever you want to call me, the result is still the same. I sleep with men and I get paid for it. I don’t make excuses for what I do.

Then I learn how fragile life can be; how in an instant, everything can change. My mother disappears and I’m left to care for my two estranged siblings. I can barely manage to look after myself.

How am I supposed to look after a hormonal fifteen year old and a five year old who has no idea who I am?

I just want my old, uncomplicated life back.

Especially when He shows up.

He’s investigating my mothers disappearance, but I can see that it’s more than that for him.He thinks he can help me. He thinks he can fix me.

Only how can he fix something so broken?

About Missy Johnson

Missy lives in a small town in Central Victoria with her husband, and her confused pets (a dog who think she’s a cat, a cat who thinks he’s a dog…you get the picture).

When she’s not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read.

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NIGHT OWL (The Night Owl Trilogy) By M. Pierce Review/Teaser



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Night Owl Paperback Cover

Title: Night Owl (Book #1, Night Owl Trilogy)
Author: M. Pierce
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Paperback Release Date: July 1, 2014

 “Tautly written, complex, and vibrating with a dark sensuality that will have you at once blushing and anxious. You’ll think you have this book pegged . . . but you’ll be wrong.”—Christina Lauren, New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling authors of The Beautiful Bastard series

From bestselling ebook author M. Pierce comes the first novel in a provocative erotic trilogy where an anonymous online writing partnership turns into an uncontrollable, passionate obsession

At twenty-eight, Matt Sky has the perfect life. He has a beautiful girlfriend, a massive inheritance, and four national bestsellers — all penned under his airtight alias, M. Pierce.

At twenty-seven, Hannah Catalano is a train wreck. Her boyfriend is a deadbeat and her job is abysmal.

Matt and Hannah meet online as writing partners. Their relationship is safe, anonymous, and innocent…

Until Matt sees a picture of Hannah. Hannah’s picture sparks an attraction Matt is powerless to ignore. When circumstance brings Matt and Hannah together, the strangers begin a love story that’s passionate, poignant, unforgettable, and unstoppable.


My thoughts: I am so in love with this book!! I have read it twice now, and I know it won’t be the last!

Let’s start with Hannah, she is a hot 27-year-old woman whose life just kind of crumbled around her. She moves back home after quitting her job, leaving her dead beat boyfriend and having done nothing with her degree. She has been writing a story with a mystery man online and is having the best time. Hannah is starting to fall for this person she has never even and knows hardly nothing about. When her life brings her closer to the mystery man she can not fight fate. Nor does she want too.

Matthew is rich, hot and an amazing writer. He knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. He slowly starts taking over Hannah’s life and she doesn’t even know it and he doesn’t see what is happening to him till it could be too late. His past is not the best, after he suffered a great loss he almost spiraled out of control. He has finally been able to put everything together, but we all know that it won’t last forever. When Matthew does “the right” thing his world starts to crumble again. He falls and the one person who can save him is nowhere to be found.

We can’t forget Lawrence, he is the best bunny in the world, and a secret weapon the Matthew can use to grab Hannah by the heart! I have never wanted a bunny so badly in my life! My 9-year-old has been asking for a bunny for the longest time and I might be caving after hearing how wonderful this bunny is.

M. Pierce does an amazing job of sucking you so far into this story that when you come up for air, you want to gulp it down and get right back into the book. I am not sure how M. Pierce is able to make you feel so much, love, pain, heartache, and joy all at the same time but I am so thankful for it. The teaser for Last Light is below and it only makes me want it read Night Owl again, and again until I can read Last Light.




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About the Author:
M. Pierce is the bestselling author of Night Owl, book one in the erotic Night Owl Trilogy. The author lives in Colorado and owns a rabbit named Laurence.


Last Light Paperback Cover
Teaser from Night Owl:

Panic set in as I listened to the ring.
I’m about to talk to Matt.
I’m about to hear his voice.
I don’t even know this guy.
What the hell am I doing?
He could be a psycho stalker.
We shouldn’t cross this line.
I can hang up.
I can hang up now.
Yeah, I’m going to h—
I swallowed and slid down the bathroom wall.
“Hannah, is that you?”
Matt’s cool, clear voice swirled in my ear. It was distantly accented—New Jersey, maybe New York—and a little husky.
He sounded sleepy.
He sounded sexy as hell.
I had the overwhelming urge to ask him to keep saying my name. Hannah, Hannah, Hannah. Help me come. Warmth bloomed between my legs.
“Okay then.” He laughed softly. I felt my reason melting at the sound. “We’ll play the one-sided conversation game. I’m Matt, it’s nice to—” Again, he broke into quiet laughter. His voice was rich with amusement, but not warm. He sounded contemptuous. He sounded ready to laugh at anything, simply for the pleasure of laughing with his silky voice.
I couldn’t help but picture the devilish eyes that must have accompanied that voice.
Green eyes, I decided. Dark green, secretive and deep like a forest.
“I was going to say it’s nice to meet you,” he went on, “but I guess we’ve technically met online. Now we’re meeting on the phone. Maybe…” He trailed off. I heard some shuffling. “God, if this is you trolling me Nate, I swear I’m going to break your fucking—”
 “Hey! Sorry, I—” I scooted over to the bathroom door, opened and closed it, then sat back against the wall. Brilliant. Sorry, I was soaking my underwear while I listened creepily to your voice. “—sorry, yeah. I had to go in the bathroom. My sister is asleep.”
Matt was silent for a moment.
“Is that why you’re whispering?” he said.
“Yeah. She’s really tired. We’re at a motel, we just stopped. Pretty sure the wall between this bathroom and her bed is a piece of plywood, so.”
“Well… damn. I wanted to hear your voice. I mean, your regular volume voice.” He chuckled. “Do you think you could risk a few words? I’ll deal with your sister if she wakes up.”
I smirked, imagining a conversation between my hotheaded sis and this glib personality.
“I think that would be a bad idea. But, um. Sure. What should I say?”
“With your normal voice? How about, the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
“Okay.” I cleared my throat. I was suddenly painfully self-conscious about my voice. “Um. Okay. The… the quick brown fox—”
Laughter exploded on the line. It was loud and sharp, nearly cruel.
“Oh… my god Hannah.” I heard a clatter, then some scuffling. “Oh fuck. You were really saying it. The quick… brown fox… oh god.” Matt dissolved into laughter again.
I glared at my knees.
“What’s so fucking funny?” I whispered.
“Hannah. Hannah, I’m sorry.”
I heard him take a few calming breaths.
“Okay,” he said. “I’m sorry. Ignore me, seriously. I have a weird sense of humor. That… that struck me funny. You have a lovely voice. Go figure.”
Go figure? What did he mean by that?
“Look, is there a reason you wanted me to call, or were you just looking for some late night entertainment?”
“Pretty sure this classifies as early morning entertainment, Hannah.”
“Okay. Well whatever. Look, I’m not sure why I—”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
His words stopped me cold.
His words, and something in his voice. Honesty.
“What we did,” he continued. “Or what you did to me…”
My throat went dry. What I did to him. It should have grossed me out, the thought of a stranger beating off to a few details about my body, but it didn’t. It intrigued me. The heat between my legs pulsed.
“You know what I’m talking about,” he insisted. An edge came into his voice at the slightest provocation.
“Y-yeah,” I managed. “Yeah.”
“You enjoyed it.”
“You said you wished I were pounding into you.”
I couldn’t believe this smooth-talking stranger was dictating to me how I felt.
I couldn’t believe I was blindly agreeing.
And I couldn’t believe my considerable vocabulary had suddenly been reduced to “yeah.”
“Hannah, you made me come so hard. And I did it again, thinking about you. Let me return the favor.”
His words hung in the silence between us.
Return the favor. Help me come.
“Yes,” I whispered.

Last but not least

After Dark Paperback Cover

Sneak Peek TAPOUT by JC Valentine

tapout sneak peek

Sneak Peek


Book Title: Tapout
Author: JC Valentine
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: July 8, 2014
Hosted by:Book Enthusiast Promotions


History brought them together. Circumstances may them apart.

Alyson Blake’s past left her with scars. Scars that she tried to fix the only way she knew how—by helping others. But actions have consequences, and Alyson is about to find out that being naïve is no excuse.

Fighting is Jamison Weston’s passion. Alyson is his obsession. Despite the past and a few lingering concerns, their relationship is as solid as ever. Until a shocking lie is uncovered and all of his plans begin to unravel. Now, Jami is rushing to pick up the pieces, but as relationships are put to the test, will he be strong enough to keep it together, or will it all just fall apart?

Tapout Teaser 1

Meet the Author

Best selling author J.C. Valentine is the alter-ego of Brandi Salazar, whose enjoyment of tales of romance spurred her to branch out and create her own.

She lives in the Northwest with her husband, their wild children, and far too many pets. As a university student, she studies literature, which goes well with her dream of becoming an editor. Brandi entertains a number of hobbies including reading and photography, but her first love is writing fiction-in all its forms.

Tapout Teaser 2

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Tess Thompson Book Blitz

Book Blitz

tea and primroses

Book Title: Tea and Primroses
Author: Tess Thompson
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: February 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


Tea and Primroses: Nothing is as it seemed in calm, quaint Legley Bay.

Famous novelist, Constance (last name) lived a seemingly straightforward – if private – and somewhat predictable life. Friends, beloved daughter Sutton, a beautiful home, and all the success an author could wish for. A perfect life….but was it?

When a hit and run accident suddenly takes her mother’s life, Sutton finds hidden secrets with her heartbreak. Emotional walls she assumed Constance had built to protect her privacy may have been to protect something – or someone – else entirely. Family and friends return home for support, including her own lost-love, Declan. He’s the first thing she craves to help her cope with her loss and the questions she’s left with, but he’s also the last person she wants to see. Will he be able to put down roots at last?

Can the loss of true love be the making of a life or is it destined to be the undoing of everything? When money, power and love combine across time, anything is possible.



When the doorbell rang, Sutton Mansfield at first thought it was part of the music on the radio. She hummed to her favorite country station, set loud as she moved about her bungalow, sipping hot, black tea and unpacking from her overseas trip. She was looking forward to lunch with her mother, who had used her contacts in the publishing industry to arrange the dream trip for Sutton’s thirtieth birthday. Sutton had studied for two months with a master baker in Paris.

She pushed open her front window; the familiar scent of the seaside entered the room. It was an ordinary morning in Legley Bay: the sound of seagulls in the distance; the familiar view of her street, lined with modest houses built mostly in the 1940s; and, just beyond, the Pacific Ocean a paler blue than the August sky. Legley Bay was a one-stoplight kind of town, the unwanted stepchild of the northern Oregon coast. There were no tourist temptations here, no stretch of beach with famed rocks like Cannon Beach or Manzanita or Arch Cape. No one opened shops or restaurants to tempt wealthy city dwellers. It was nothing more than the ordinary here, buildings sagging and faded from damp, salty air, and small businesses struggling to survive against Wal-Mart and Costco thirty or so miles in every direction but west.

Opening the window a little farther, she took in a deep breath through her nose and felt grateful for the familiar. Home is home. It was good to return. She turned away from the view and back to her cozy bungalow, decorated with eclectic pieces she’d gathered over the years, antiques and shabby chic, all very French countryside, like the artisan and rustic baked goods she made: crusty breads, buttery pastries, soft cookies.

She’d conquered the croissant while in Paris. She smiled, thinking of it, but instantly sobered. There was nowhere to debut her new skills but her own kitchen. She had no job. Six months ago she’d left her assistant baker position at a well-known bakery in Portland, where she’d apprenticed for the better part of five years, to move home to Legley Bay. It was her dream to open her own shop, but so far the courage to do so had been as elusive as the perfect croissant.

The sound of the doorbell came again. Yes, it was the door, not a note in the music. Who could it be? No one but her mother knew she was back in town. She turned down the radio; her mobile phone was buzzing—Roger. She tossed the phone on the couch; it bounced on a cushion and fell onto the soft rug. Voicemail. Just go to voicemail, she thought. I need time to think. Not yet. She needed to speak with her mother first. Her mother would help her sort it through. Mom, I’m having doubts about the wedding. That’s all she would need to say. Then they would hash it out over a glass of wine or a walk on the beach. Is it just that I’m afraid or do I not love him enough? Her mother would know the answer.

The doorbell rang again just as she reached for the doorknob. Opening it, she saw Tim Ball, the town’s Chief of Police. He was the same age as her mother, in his mid-to-late fifties, and his lined face was still handsome, hinting at the town’s football star he once was. But today his skin was gray and his features pinched. She backed away from the door, as if he were going to hurt her. What was the matter?

“Sutton, can I come in?”

She nodded, backing into the room. Don’t say it.

He guided her toward the couch. “Please sit, sweetheart.”

She did so, clasping her hands together on her lap. “Is it my mom?”

“I’m so sorry.” He stopped; his eyes reddened. “She was killed this morning.”

blue midnight tess thompson

Book Title: Blue Midnight
Author: Tess Thompson
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


“If you change your mind, here’s this.” Finn Lanigan kissed a young Blythe Heywood one last time under an Idaho star-scattered sky. Then she left, returning to her fiancé and the wedding she’d committed to. It was the last kiss that ever weakened her knees, the last sky she noticed for over a dozen years.

Thirteen years later, newly divorced, she finds the forgotten slip of paper in the back of drawer.

Finn Lanigan – 208-555-2004

She’d tossed it years before, hadn’t she? Surely she had, in one of the moments that first year of marriage when her loyalty was resolute. Apparently not. Here it lived. Her temptation. Her road not taken.

Facing three weeks without her young daughters, she sets out to find the man she left behind so long ago. With only the name of the small town where he once lived, Peregrine, Idaho, and the memory of their last kiss under a starry sky, she heads across the Pacific Northwest in search of him.

What she finds in the foothills of Blue Mountain and the tiny town of Peregrine changes her life forever. But it is her destiny and destinies cannot be denied.

The first book of the Lanigan Clan Collection, laced with Thompson’s complex and diverse characters, “Blue Midnight” is a mature love story about second chances, family and the complexities of trust and vulnerability after betrayal.”


Chapter 1

I found it at the very back of my bedside table drawer, next to a forgotten bottle of nail polish. I’d forgotten to empty the drawers in preparation for the movers that morning and was doing so now, shoving most of the neglected or forsaken contents into trash bags. But this scrap of paper, it stopped me. Shaped like a duck’s beak and wedged between the bottom of the drawer and the back panel, with just its tip exposed, it wasn’t enough, really, to indicate something of any significance. But I knew. I knew in an instant. I stood motionless, taking in every jagged detail. Then, I tugged; it came loose easily. This small slip of paper with a man’s name and number scrawled in blue ink seemed benign enough. Finn Lanigan 208-555-2004. And yet, the pulse at my neck quickened. Heat traveled from my center to every limb. I sank on molten legs to the stripped mattress. I held this scrap of paper, torn from a bar receipt, between damp fingers and stared at it like the ghost it was.

I’d tossed it years before, hadn’t I? Surely I had, in one of my moments that first year of marriage when my loyalty was resolute. Hadn’t I disposed of it when I embraced my choice? Apparently not. Here it lived. My temptation. My road not taken.

My daughters’ voices floated up the winding staircase from where they chased one another like wanton puppies in the now nearly empty 4,500 square feet of custom floors, intricate finish work, and marble countertops. I went to the window that faced the street and looked out onto our neighborhood park, empty this morning of children. Today was the first day of summer vacation and children and their mothers were sleeping late. How many hours of my life had I spent in that park, pushing my babies in swings, chasing after them as toddlers, and, when they were old enough to climb the play structures by themselves, chatting with other mothers about this milestone or that? The hours could not be calculated, of course, nor the wages lost by choosing to stay at home with my children instead of continuing my career.

The windows were open to let the fresh June air cleanse away all remnants of the scents of my family before the new owners claimed it with their own smells. Outside, the movers shouted to one another as they loaded the family room couch into the moving truck. My neighbor from two doors down walked by the truck, her eyes averted. Her manicured hands grasped the leash of her Labradoodle. She couldn’t look. It was easier to pretend the collective nightmare for almost every woman in our affluent Seattle neighborhood had not happened to someone in their circle, someone with whom they exercised, had dinner parties, and volunteered at private school. Someone they liked. A stay-at-home mom, almost forty-five, left by her husband for another woman and forced to leave her beautiful home and sought-after neighborhood. I was everyone’s worst-case scenario.

My eyes went back to the slip of paper in my hand.

If you change your mind, here’s this. Then he’d kissed me one last time under an Idaho star-scattered sky larger than any other. After the kiss I wished would last forever ended, as all good things must, I turned away, back to the life I’d agreed to, the wedding I’d committed to. It was the last kiss that ever weakened my knees, the last sky I noticed for thirteen years.

Now, Clementine, my seven-year-old, pounded up the stairs, followed by the tip-tap of her older sister Lola in her flip-flops. I shoved the slip of paper in the pocket of my shorts. I couldn’t know then why I didn’t just toss it in the garbage like I had so many memories and possessions in the weeks preceding. I know now. It was my destiny, and destinies cannot be denied.

Meet the Author

Tess Thompson is a novelist and playwright with a BFA in Drama from the University of Southern California. In 2011 she released her first novel, Riversong, which subsequently became a best seller.

Like her main character in the Legley Bay collection, Tess is from a small town in Oregon. She currently lives in a suburb of Seattle, Washington with her two young daughters, Emerson and Ella, and their puppy Patches. She is inspired daily by the view of the Cascade Mountains from her home office window.

Tess is working on her next novel and regularly blogs about her journey as a mother, author and friend at

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